So many people think they have to choose between family and work. We sometimes look at the two as separate spaces. Why do we have to choose? Well, guess what... you DON’T HAVE TO!
In this episode we are talking to author, mom, entrepreneur, and podcaster Dana Malstaff. She shares her story how she didn’t choose between family or work, instead finding ways to mix the two. By merging the two worlds, it will show your children how to create and innovate and what is possible when you work hard.
When you integrate the kids into your work space, it builds the level of fulfillment in your life. There are so many way you can build your kids into your work:
It’s important to show our kids there is something outside of their own personal world. To show them examples of how mom and dad work and create, and inspiring them to do the same. Allowing them to work with you will give you time with your kids and also be able to live your dream as an entrepreneur. You can have it all. Don’t let the dream of having a family and a business go to waste!
Mentioned in this episode:
Get a hold of Dana’s free training on project managing at
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Do you feel like you are wasting time in your work week? Not enough hours in the day? Well, it’s time to buckle up then because we are here to share THREE quick tips that will easily save you 20 plus hours in your week.
These are things that can be implemented right away, so you can go back and enjoy the extra time with your family. So let’s slow it down, take a breath, and learn the three easy ways to same time.
It’s time to take back the most valuable asset, your time! Once you get your time back, there are so many things you can channel this energy into. Put this time back into what is most important, it could be building a new business, working on yourself, or spending some quality time with your family!
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“Don’t wait until it happens to you”-- the phrase internet business lawyer Lin Eleoff says to EVERYONE! When the business is small, the risk is bigger if something happens to your assets.
In this episode, Lin is sharing with us the steps you need to take in order to protect your business. When you think ahead and get in front of the legal side, it will set you up for success when you decide to take your business live. Internet law is still something that is new and many people still don’t know what to do or where to go to get things done for an online business.
If you are ready to take your business online, keep these things in mind:
Take the action steps. Be proactive and get the information. If you just ignore it, things could pile up and start to become a mess. So get your head out of the sand. Don’t let something so small stop you from accomplishing your dreams!
Mentioned in this episode:
Head over to to access great legal advice. There you can get access to Lin’s DIY Legal Tool Kit.
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There is no ‘I’ in team. You win together and you lose together...all as a team.
When you invest in your team, big results do happen. Take it from entrepreneur and business growth strategist, Stacey Tuschl. She started a business in her backyard and grew it into a 7 figure business. And when she knew major growth was coming her way, she invested in her team.
Stacey knew that she had to get in front of the growth and make the move to hire. It can be scary, don't get me wrong, but it's necessary.
When you start to build you team, look for low-cost ways to start:
When you have a dream team behind you, anything is possible. It can get hard at times when building a business, and it’s ok to ask for help. Starting a team doesn't have to be expensive, you just have to take the time and plan ahead. Having the right team in place will allow you to get the job done and reach the highest peak in your business.
Mentioned in this episode:
Stacy’s book Is Your Business Worth Saving?
She also is the host of her own podcast, called She’s Building Her Empire
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I’m sure this isn't the first time you have heard something like, “make a business that not only supports you, but also supports a cause.” We say it all the time on this show!
Making a difference that helps the whole human family of people. However, did you ever think that your business could actually be the cause?
That is what CEO and founder of Global Girlfriend Stacey Edgar did. Her business is a product-based company whose mission is to help women all over the world support themselves and sell their products. Global Girlfriend sells products like bracelets, bags and clothing, which in turn help women around the world to start their own businesses. Sales from the products provides 50% of the money needed to help women create their own products to sell, then lets them keep 50% of their profit, too. This ensures the female entrepreneurs work in healthy conditions, make a salary that supports them comfortably, and allows them to experience the freedom that comes as a business owner.
Stacey is making a HUGE difference in these women's lives. She has able to spread the word about her company through the relationships she has made with her partners. Stacey is working with not only local and fair trade stores, but also large wholesale companies like Whole Foods. She says that her strongest marketing tool has been the face-to-face connections, not necessarily social media.
Her number one piece of advice?
Be authentic! Lead the life you are talking about in your company. People will see you, and they will take notice. Find your tribe and let the people follow you in this amazing adventure in not only making money for yourself, but helping others along the way.
Stacey mentioned in this episode that she just launched her new website where she will helping new businesses, who are looking to model the fair trade business plan get their start.
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Question--Why do you need a vision board? Why are vision boards so important for us?
Answer--Visions boards allow us to see our dream in front of us, making them real. There is something about seeing the things we want, that makes our brain so crazy.
Say you want to buy a brand new car. You think about this car and it comes time to figure out if you are going to pull the trigger to purchase. Then all of a sudden, you see this car everywhere. No matter where you go, this car always seems to be following you. That is your brain supporting your choice of getting this car. It wants to remember and see the car everywhere you turn.
This is what a vision board does, it keeps that image in your help and you focused on what you want to accomplish. This is the power of the vision board--seeing the specific things you want and how you are going to get what you want. There are multiple things that make vision boards to important:
Vision boards are a great thing to start, something my own team does. So go out and get it done! It’s time to reignite that passion, create your vision board and see your dreams come alive!
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You asked, Unstoppable Success Radio has answered!
In this mini-series, entrepreneur mentor Kelly Roach answers listener-submitted questions about business growth, mindset, and anything else that the Unstoppable Success Army wants to know.
You asked,
How Can I Reignite Inspiration?
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Taxes-- no one likes doing them. It is so much easier to send them off to someone and let them do the work-- right? But are they really getting us the best return? Cue tax planner and coach Diane Gardner!
In this episode, Diane (who has helped people save 1.1 million dollars in taxes) is sharing with us things we didn’t learn in school. Sharing the biggest places to save and what we need to look for when we file our taxes. We need to be looking for the biggest saving!
We are looking for the biggest return on investment. Know that the person who is doing your taxes doesn't have the same mindset as you, an entrepreneur. Take control of your taxes and finances, make sure you are seeing the bigger picture. Look for the little things that can save you BIG in the future!
Mentioned in this episode:
Get a copy of any one of Diane’s 5 books by heading over to her website
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“Some people still think that LinkedIn is just a job-seeking site...but it is so much more” --John Nemo
LinkedIn has changed over the years and continues to change. It has transformed from resume building to actually connecting with people. In this episode, we are talking to LinkedIn expert and bestselling author John Nemo. He shares that making a CONNECTION will actually help you make the sale.
John Nemo shares with us the exact system that needs to be put in place in order to get the results you need from LinkedIn:
LinkedIn has become the best place to find your target audience and connect with them on a personal level. It's all about creating the connection, finding something that is personal to them and then sending something specific. Think of it as getting coffee with someone--it’s just happening online! Show them you care, and they will listen to what you have to say.
Mentioned in this episode:
Get a copy of John’s free online book and template for your LinkedIn profile.
Go to for his free book “LinkedIn Riches”
Click here: Free template for your LinkedIn profile
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We all make mistakes. It happens to all of us--it’s called an “accident” for a reason. On this journey will make numerous mistakes but the BIGGEST mistake we can make is not changing from it.
In this episode we are sharing the 5 things you need to STOP doing in order to have success. Let’s unlock the golden gates of success and start making changes.
“It doesn’t easier, but you get better”
Life is an opportunity. We are all trying to be the best that we can. Just by staying away from these little things can make a huge difference in your business but also with your mindset. Wake up to positive mindset and continue to impact the people around you. You are bigger than the moment!
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You asked, Unstoppable Success Radio has answered!
In this mini-series, entrepreneur mentor Kelly Roach answers listener-submitted questions about business growth, mindset, and anything else that the Unstoppable Success Army wants to know.
You asked,
How Do I Start A New Business The Right Way?
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Food. It's something that we all love, can all relate to and something that, at one point, we have probably struggled with. We get home from work and the last thing we want to do is go and make dinner. Or maybe you’re so busy in your business that at the end of the day, you have no energy left to devote to preparing a meal and taking away more time with your loved ones.
If this is you, it’s time to make a change.
In this episode we are talking to food, nutrition, and culinary expert Allison Schaaf. She is the founder of Prep Dish, a website that gives you detailed instructions on how to prep your food, what food to prep, and what to get at the store. By preparing ahead of time, at the beginning of every week, your family can save time and not scramble to get food on the table.
Allison shares easy tips to thinking smarter about planning your meals:
By prepping your meals, it will not only save you time but it will also help you get your nutrition on track. Think about how the food makes you feel and what you are getting out of it. Get connected with your body, it will change how you feel!
Don’t miss out on this amazing offer Allison is giving just for YOU! Head over to to get a FREE 2 week trial of Allison’s food prep services
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Imagine if you started a business and it was successful the first time around? No failure, no troubles, no problems--sounds like a dream, right?! In this episode we are talking to Gary Bizzo, entrepreneurial thought leader and mentor for over 1,000 entrepreneurs. He shares with us why and how it is the little things that can help make your business a success the FIRST TIME. Sometimes they simply just get overlooked.
Gary also reveals in this episode:
Gary Bizzo made big changes in Canada, but also in his personal life. He realized that it is never too late to start something new in business but also how to pivot in your current one. Be able to adapt in every environment, sometimes things happen and it changes the course of where your business is going. Know that it is ok! Embrace the change and see where it takes you!
Mentioned in this episode:
Don’t forget to pick up Gary Bizzo’s book called “How To Start A Business Right the First Time”
Connect with Gary:
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“More than 80% of the world’s population are living off of less than $10 a day”
Think of ALL of the luxuries you have. You may not even consider them a luxury anymore because they are such a “normal” part of your life. Things have changed dramatically over the past few years - we’ve moved away from when having two cars in the driveway was something special to it being something standard.
One of the struggles my team and I hear all the time is that money is the main thing holding an entrepreneur back from starting their business or from achieving rapid growth. It’s the, “I have to save money but I can’t right now” statement.
It’s time to change your mindset. instead of putting things into the luxury column, stick them on the business side. When things were simpler, businesses would go door to door with books and just SELL. They were innovative and used hustle to make up for what was lacking in other areas.
We need to make choices to either spend money, on say... an advertisement, instead of a new car. We don’t want to want to put in the work because our society has made us lazy. We have gotten used to everything being handed to us or given to us in the snap of a finger. In reality, it takes time and a lot of work to achieve success.
Start making something out of nothing and see the results right before your eyes! Remember, “You aren’t going to get the car to drive unless you are willing to put fuel in the car.”
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You asked, Unstoppable Success Radio has answered!
In this mini-series, entrepreneur mentor Kelly Roach answers listener-submitted questions about business growth, mindset, and anything else that the Unstoppable Success Army wants to know.
You asked,
How Do I Start A New Business The Right Way?
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Sales isn't for everyone. Let’s be honest, not everyone can walk into a room and convince a bunch of suits that they need your product. But what if the sales process could be transformed into something that ‘comes natural’ to you?
In this episode we are talking to Julie Broad, bestselling author and entrepreneur who teaches what it means to give your customers the service and the attention they need over just making the sale.
Shifting the focus onto the customer and what they want is how you are going to keep them coming back for purchase after purchase. Having the right mindset is the KEY to going in and keeping focus on what you are really there for. It’s a relationship and you have to build that relationship up in order for them to see what you can do.
Julie shares with us the what it means to have BRAND MAGIC:
M- Message,
A- Appearance
G- Google Result
I- I’m an Expert in…
C- Character
“You are getting paid for who you are, NOT for what you are selling” --Julie Broad
When you are building the relationships with your customers you are also building your brand. Showing people what your values are and the things you stand for are the things that will make you become memorable!
Mentioned in this episode:
Check out Julie’s book “New Brand You”
Connect with Julie Broad:
Twitter: @thejuliebroad
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Who is your perfect client? If you could have anyone in the world to buy your product who would it be? These are the questions we seem to always be asking when we start to sell a new product or program.
In this episode we are talking to Joseph Kashurba, who grew his freelance design business from high school into a digital agency with clients all over the world. He knows that when it comes to finding your clients, you need to make sure they are right for you. He knows that when it comes to finding your ideal clients, there are two main considerations: making sure you are clear on what you do and how you can help them, and qualifying them well to make sure they are in line with your mission.
Joseph shares two simple kinds of marketing strategies to get your ideal clients:
We need to shift our mindset from selling our products, to finding out how can we fix our customer's’ problems. Changing this mindset will show the customer that you care about them and their needs and not just your own (no one likes to be just another dollar sign in someone’s course).
Don’t just give up on using the two strategies Joshua discussed in this episode - it is a slow process but in the end your clients will come to you (and keep coming to you in the future)!
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“The battle is won before you even set foot on the field”
The RESULT and IMPACT of your business is determined before the launch, before the month starts, and even before the year begins. It starts with what you do everyday.
You need to have a strategy in place to continue to get that attention from potential buyers consistently. In this day and age, anyone with a computer or cell phone can have a business and with that comes some struggles to keep people's eyes on your business and keep them from turning the other direction.
In this episode we are breaking down the 6 strategies to to win the battle and get people looking at you!
Here is a quick overview on those key 6 strategies, plus a bonus 7th:
An audience starts with just one person. It builds one by one. Find your niche and use your celebrity to generate the eyes looking at your business!
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You asked, Unstoppable Success Radio has answered!
In this mini-series, entrepreneur mentor Kelly Roach answers listener-submitted questions about business growth, mindset, and anything else that the Unstoppable Success Army wants to know.
You asked,
What Results Should I Expect From Being A Podcast Guest?
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How to grow your business fast is a question asked by numerous entrepreneurs and small business owners. But did anyone ever tell you that it's the basics that work the best?
In this episode, we are talking to entrepreneur Joshua Latimer. Josh is the founder of, an online trading platform for small local, service based businesses. He also is the creator for a new app, Sendjim another automation tool for the busy professional looking to accelerate the buyer’s cycle for their prospects by sending customized notes and gifts.
Joshua shares with us that it is getting back to the basic sales techniques that will help grow your business and build a great relationship with your customers. Some of those specific techniques are:
By implementing these basic techniques to your business, you can change your own personal structure and get hyper-focused. As you’ll hear Josh say, sometimes we have to walk through the fire to come out on the other side. There isn’t a simple way to being successful, it takes time and passion. Don’t stop once you have failed, keep going!
“Everyone sees the wine, no one sees the crushing of the grapes” - Joshua Latimer
Get connected with Joshua Latimer:
Twitter: @automatejosh
App website:
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“If you’re going to lead with hustle, you’re always going to have to hustle.” -- Niki Pfeiffer, Unstoppable Success Radio
Niki Pfeiffer is the Founder of Cocktail CEO and recognized business growth expert! More than that, she shows entrepreneurs and executive leaders to cut through the noise and get down to the vital things that matter -- and drive sales (with less stress). Niki’s book, How to Make Your Business Stand Out in 5 Happy Hours, released this past winter, is helping people stand up and out in their professional lives.
Niki shares the start of her career - at one of the largest business consulting firms to Fortune 500 companies. But what’s impacted her the most in all of her unique experience in working with companies of all sizes, narrowing down the things that work no matter where you’re at today.
Revealed in this episode:
We HIGHLY encourage you to grab a copy of Niki’s book so that you can adapt your focus, create your 5 crucial “happy hours” in your business, and get back to the vital thats matter in your business.
“In a year to 18 months, you can go from not even being on the radar to leading in your industry.” -- Niki Pfieffer
Mentioned in this episode:
Niki’s book, How to Make Your Business Stand Out in 5 Happy Hours
Connect with Niki:
Twitter: @theCocktailCEO
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What place does FAITH have in entrepreneurship? That is the question I am asking you all on today's episode. I’m asking you to think about the topic that everyone steers clear of in business. However, I feel like it is unfair NOT to share my secret weapon, my reason for success-- that is having faith. Without faith I would not be where I am today.
Maybe you feel a similar way in your own life and business. Maybe you don’t. Regardless, let’s talk about the ‘driving force’. Consider the benefits of faith or driving force. Things like…
Just like the ocean creates rocks, pressure creates diamonds. We need to go through these struggles in life to come out the other side a stronger person. Without struggle we would lack empathy, wisdom, and perspective. Welcome faith back into your life because these struggles are only temporary. Think of the bigger picture and the potential that you have.
“My message today: have faith. Trust and believe you were put on the planet with a purpose”
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You asked, Unstoppable Success Radio has answered!
In this mini-series, entrepreneur mentor Kelly Roach answers listener-submitted questions about business growth, mindset, and anything else that the Unstoppable Success Army wants to know.
You asked,
“What does it mean to take ‘imperfect action?’
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“I said to myself, this isn’t how my life is going to go. And I’m going to figure out why it’s like this for me.” -- Hilary Hendershott
We all have superstitions about money that we’ve imprinted on ourselves -- as money guru Hilary Hendershott shares on today’s guest episode of Unstoppable Success Radio. Hilary is the founder of Hilary Hendershott Wealth Management, a leading financial firm for women. She is a podcast host, TEDx Speaker, MBA, CFP, and has been featured in Wall Street Journal, on NBC and Fox and so many more.
What are your thoughts on money, its transactions, and how it flows within your life? Hilary challenges us to pull back the layers of our own financial behavior and how to rewrite the story we’ve accepted.
Hilary also chats about:
There are a LOT of negative thoughts around money that creep up in our thoughts but also in our conversations and in the media we consume. Hilary brings an honest reality check to the way we approach wealth building, spending, and what it really means to balance and manage your wealth.
“A healthy financial life is about understanding opportunities and tradeoffs.” -- Hilary Hendershott
Mentioned in this episode:
Hilary’s weekly podcast, Profit Boss Radio: (and on Itunes, Stitcher, and more!)
Connect with Hilary:
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Tell me this: Why do we do anything we do? What drives us? What is it in the morning that we wake up seeking for?
You might answer with a host of other words besides happiness to the question above, but I will give you this to consider: in everything we do, we aim to be happy and fulfilled. The greatest gift you can give to both yourself and the people you’re close with is to peaceful, present, joyful, and invested in each moment.
With today’s episode, I hope to inspire you to make the choice to be happy. Society tries to tell us what should make us happy… things like status and possessions. But when you place your happiness in external objects, you lose out.
Remember this: our time on this Earth is limited. Every day you spend unhappy is a day you never get back. You need to give the power back to yourself when it comes to how you feel every single day.
Start with these considerations:
Be the person who doesn’t allow a struggle, misfortune, or tragedy from the past recycle itself over and over in your life. Who takes back the power in their lives. Who makes an impact and serves the world and leaves a legacy.
The choice to be happy is yours.
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