Focus on the WIN.
What do I mean by that? I’m not talking about your personal win but shifting your focus on your prospect’s win. It’s gotten far too hard and complicated for businesses to grow online. Businesses are shutting down left and right because prospects are confused.
Everyone is focusing on the followers, showing up online and pumping out SO MUCH CONTENT they aren’t bringing it full circle. They aren’t focusing on getting their prospects their W.I.N.
In today’s episode, I am breaking down what a W.I.N looks like and how you can start shining the spotlight on your prospects. This episode is also going to pull the curtain back on the Live Launch Method.
I created this method to bring back the human connection to launches and to put the spotlight on THEM and giving them a WIN before they even swipe a card.
Focusing on the W.I.N will make you stand out in whatever niche you are in. Head to the Tribe of Unstoppables to get in on the next Profit Lab where I will be breaking down the Live Launch Method and creating an experience where your prospect is achieving their win!
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To have a seven-figure business you don’t need to be working 40 hours a week.
I want to take you back to year TWO of my coaching business. I was still working my corporate job and my coaching business was still a side hustle, and I was in a coaching group to help me learn the growth strategies I needed.
My mindset initially was that because I was working fewer hours, I was automatically going to have less success than everyone else in my group.
Every week when we would get on our coaching call, I noticed I was having more success than the CEOs who were full time.
Turns out, success has nothing to do with the number of hours you work. What matters is HOW you use those hours.
We all want to enjoy the entrepreneur lifestyle but most of us spend so much time doing things in our business that aren’t profit-producing activities. As the CEO in your business, you need to only be spending time on the things that HAVE to get done by you. Everything else can be delegated to someone on your team.
In today’s episode, I am breaking down the only three areas you need to be spending your time so you can truly live a freedom-based life as a CEO.
By the way - in my newest book, Bigger Than You, I walk you through step by step how to hire the right people for your team but then how to scale your team so you don’t have to work 40 hours per week. I have two companies right now and neither one of them gets a full 40 hours from me but both have seen substantial growth over the last year.
Step into the role as CEO with this episode, and head over to the Tribe of Unstoppables to continue this conversation with us!
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Ever wonder what 7 Figure CEOs talk about when they hop on a call together?
Today’s guest episode is a little different. Instead of bringing you an interview where I sit down and ask someone a bunch of questions, we are releasing a conversation. Self made millionaire, digital course creator, Instagram expert and Forbes contributor Amanda Frances and I sat down to have a conversation about what was working in each of our businesses.
We hit the record button and just let the conversation flow! One of the things that came up constantly was having fun and enjoying the work that you do so you can live at your highest potential.
You are the master of your life. Enjoy the ride because in reality there is no perfect strategy or system. Sometimes we make it up as we go. Amanda is going over what it working for her on Instagram, how she uses IG stories to get people into her programs but also how she is building her community on Instagram.
This is a conversation you need to be listening to! Pull back the curtain on both our companies in this week's guest episode!
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Kelly Roach:
Having the right money mindset takes more than just strategy.
In today's episode of Unstoppable Success Radio, you’ll learn how to trigger money breakthroughs in your business. Before we dive deep into the strategy, I want to take some time to talk about the mindset behind these breakthroughs.
Mindset ALWAYS comes before mechanics. Before you can even start putting your plan in place, you need to be in the right mindset to achieve your goals. It's as simple as waking up and having gratitude. By focusing your energy on gratitude and abundance, you will achieve those results.
Be grateful for what you have but don't feel guilty for wanting more. We need to 10x our goals, think bigger, and put ourselves in the shoes of those making billions of dollars. Why? When you plant the seed in your mind and expose yourself to dreams you didn't think were possible, you achieve it.
This episode is going not not only put you in the right mindset to achieve more money breakthroughs but give you strategies and the tools you need to get there. Put everything together from this episode, and you will achieve money breakthroughs in DAYS.
If you are still struggling to create the vehicle that will drive more money into your business, join my private Facebook Group, The Tribe of Unstoppables! You can take part in one of our Live Launch Labs. The method will help you accelerate your goals using our signature launch method!
For more business tips and strategies, follow along with Kelly:
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Kelly Roach:
In today's episode, I am breaking down three reasons why you could be in a content rut and how you can get back on track. I'm sure you've heard or seen episodes like this before on other podcasts or even on this show. However, this episode is different.
One of the main reasons we get blocked creating content is we forget what we are here to do — and what our higher power is. Content is the nurturing process in your marketing. Most people are consuming your content for YEARS before they decide to make a purchase.
Content creation is the process of serving in its highest form. Use this episode to get back to your center. We get so caught up in the day to day tasks, and creating content is not always high on the list of importance. The reason you are creating content is for your higher purpose.
This episode is going to get you thinking about your why and how it connects to daily content creation. Make sure you share WHY you like this episode in our Private Facebook group, The Tribe Of Unstoppables!
Tag us on Instagram too! @kellyroachofficial
For more business tips and strategies, follow along with Kelly:
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Kelly Roach: