Kelly reveals three powerful strategies to rapidly increase your revenue and explore the untapped potential within your existing audience.
Learn how to make consistent offers to current and past customers, upgrading and upselling valuable products or services. Discover the world of VIP experiences, such as VIP days, mastermind dinners, and specialty masterclasses, to attract a diverse range of customers and fulfill unmet needs. Embrace the importance of creating offers with built-in scarcity and urgency to encourage immediate action. Start making daily offers and witness your business thrive without the need for complex campaigns.
Also in this episode:
- Tap Into Your Existing Audience: Remember that within your current audience, there are different types of people - VIPs, those who want to try before buying, and those in between. Recognize these unmet needs in your audience.
- Leverage Upgrades And Add-Ons: Regularly make offers to your existing and past customers to maintain and deepen the relationship.
- Create VIP Experiences: These can include mastermind dinners, VIP days, or small group VIP experiences. VIP offerings can cater to various segments of your market.
- Offer Specialty Masterclasses: These can be valuable for both existing customers and prospects. Collect payments upfront and use it as a "try before you buy" opportunity.
- Build Scarcity And Urgency: Limited slots, specific dates, and unavailability of recordings can create this urgency.
- Track And Make Daily Offers: Consistent offers are essential to generating sales beyond launch events. Keep it simple, and don't overcomplicate with elaborate sales campaigns.
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