Day 1 of the gratitude challenge starts now!
Give me a show of hands: how many people have tried meditation? Maybe some have, but I’m sure many of you haven’t. But I want to challenge you to try something out of your comfort zone.
It only takes 2 minutes, so you can do it right when you wake up in the morning and right when you fall asleep at night. Sit there and think of all the things you are grateful for. Take that moment and really reflex. It’s the little things in life we forget to acknowledge and be GRATEFUL for.
Take the time and never forget what you have :)
(5:28) “When you look at the problems you are facing all day, everyday. It is probably at the end of the day a blessing that you are facing those challenges because if those challenges did not exist you most likely would not be needed in the equation”
(8:53) “When you begin your day with reflection and giving thanks for those things you become an unstoppable warrior. We talk about this show, we call you guys our unstoppable army because you are people who believe so deeply in the vision you have for your future that you let no obstacle, no challenge, no set back, no failure stand in your way of you pursuing your success”
(10:35) “When you are suffering, when you are going through these trials and tribulations, being thankful for those things is incredibly important because those are the critical redirects in your life from which the biggest and most important positive life changes will come from”
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