We talk on this show all the time about creating the foundation for a winning team. Today, I want to pull back the curtain and take you back to before some of my own employees were a part of my team… to when they were interns!
Some of my best full time hires have come from internships. Having an internship program in your business is so important because you can:
When you are growing in any organization, people are everything. Those who wait too long to hire are the ones that struggle immensely building their business and becoming a leader.
(3:15) “Bottom line here is there is no better way to find amazing employees that learn fast, pick up at rocket speed, are energetic, excited and are going to give a boost to your small business than through bringing on interns.”
(6:47) “It’s to their benefit here because you can teach them unbelievable skills that they will use to earn a higher paying job upon graduation and to get better opportunities for themselves when they complete their education.”
(12:40) “ It’s incredibly important to take great care of your interns, make it an amazing learning experience for them. Make it fun, make it valuable. Meet with them in person, take time to mentor them. Make it a relationship so that when that internship ends, you have someone out there who is an ambassador and an advocate for your company.”
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