You asked, Unstoppable Success Radio has answered!
In this mini-series, entrepreneur mentor Kelly Roach answers listener-submitted questions about business growth, mindset, and anything else that the Unstoppable Success Army wants to know.
You asked,
“How do I find more FREE TIME in the day?”
The answer: Intention-Based Management!
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You’re in for a treat with today’s guest - Pat Flynn! Pat runs Smart Passive Income, a million-dollar company helping entrepreneurs to succeed online and is known for his total transparency, giving back to the community, and serving to the very highest level possible. You’ve likely heard of Pat and might even be a raving fan of his (I know I am!) and this interview will give you the strategies to break the dollars-for-hours struggle.
“First, serve an audience and serve other people,” is how Pat starts us off. If you want to build an empire that not only helps you increase your income but one that creates an IMPACT… tune in now!
In this episode, Pat is sharing:
As Pat says, “it’s not easy, and it takes time.” If you get one thing out of this episode, that is it! Yes, you have to do the work but you need to set yourself up to work SMARTER -- and all of Pat’s top strategies are right here waiting for you.
Mentioned in this episode:
‘Will it Fly?’ by Pat Flynn - found on
Connect with Pat:
Twitter: @PatFlynn
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There are a few core essential things in every business: sales, marketing, visibility. However, 2017 is a little different - things are moving at the speed of light. Businesses rise up, they fall, and new businesses are being created every single day. Today, I am breaking down the 3 MUST HAVES for 2017 business success.
Also revealed in this episode:
The bottom line is this: buyers no longer have to take a big risk in making a buying decision, because they are able to get a complete sense of you. Do you have things in place so that that’s the case for your target market at every step of the way?
If you aren’t using the 3 key strategies outlined in this episode, get started right away! And if you’re feeling overwhelmed, email me at to learn more about how my team and I can help you get started.
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You asked, Unstoppable Success Radio has answered!
In this mini-series, entrepreneur mentor Kelly Roach answers listener-submitted questions about business growth, mindset, and anything else that the Unstoppable Success Army wants to know.
You asked,
“How do I overcome crushing overwhelm?”
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Have you ever said, “I’m just not a natural salesperson”? If so, Donald Kelly is the man you need to know.
Donald believes anyone can be a profitable and effective salesperson if they have the mindset and desire. Donald has evangelized the message of effective selling to those who need it most - struggling business owners, sales teams, sales managers, and more. He hosts a podcast called The Sales Evangelist teaching people around the world to break their limiting beliefs and become majorly successful.
A few things that you will learn from Donald in this episode…
AND Donald’s “step 1” recommendations for everyone from the ‘wantrepreneurs’ to the seasoned sales managers to increase their growth and confidence.
Donald’s mission is to help make sales feel natural, easy, and less like a mountain to be conquered. If you’re guilty of limiting beliefs around sales, this episode is for you.
Connect with Donald:
Free video training: How to Double the Amount of Referrals You’re Getting -
Twitter: @DonaldCKelly
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This is a big topic and there is a lot to it - but if you're looking to unravel the online marketing maze for yourself, I've simplified everything for you.
I remember a few years ago when I began growing my business online and it sounded, felt, and looked like a completely different language - I felt confused and left wondering if I would ever get to the point where I would be able to say, “that really worked for me.”
In this episode, I will walk you through EXACTLY how to get started taking your business online with doable steps that won't add hours to your already busy schedule. We'll clarify what it means to build a list, how to identify what your brand actually is, and how to create resources for your target market that perfectly compliment their needs and what you do.
Some of the things we'll be covering today include clarifying your brand, what you need to do vs. what isn't necessary in your "funnel," and how to naturally funnel all of your opt-ins to a conversion event with you.
Required: a willingness to put the pieces in place
Not Required: a fancy sales page, the most expensive email marketing software or an existing list - among other things you may have been led to believe are mandatory.
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You asked, Unstoppable Success Radio has answered!
In this mini-series, entrepreneur mentor Kelly Roach answers listener-submitted questions about business growth, mindset, and anything else that the Unstoppable Success Army wants to know.
You asked,
“How do create sellable assets in my business - easily?”
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I am THRILLED to talk with Stever Robbins on today’s episode and quite honestly, it was difficult to determine which things to highlight in his impressive bio. Stever is an inventor, an entrepreneur veteran with 10 startup companies under his belt, a podcaster (The Get it Done Guy), a certified master trainer Elite of NLP and is currently working on a series of workshops meant to help people live an extraordinary life.
Stever’s mission is to help people who have achieved who what most would consider incredible success to feel fulfilled, happy, and like they are making an impact every day. He is bridging the gap between business success and fulfillment for people around the world.
In this powerful episode, you will learn:
-Steps to create a balanced approach to creating the life we crave - one where we can achieve amazing business success but also be intentional and present in our relationships and personal life
-How to define what “extraordinary” life is for you (believe it or not, many people can’t actually define it)
-Stever’s exercises and daily implementations to refresh, reset, and start on your own journey to newly found fulfillment (and how to do it even while running your business)
This episode is all about living out your values in a way that is truly authentic to you - and if you’ve had that deep down feeling that you might not be doing so, Stever’s message is a must-hear.
Mentioned in this episode:
How to find Your Own North Star by Martha Beck -
Connect with Stever:
Text EXTRAO to 33444 you’ll receive a link to Stever’s workshop, Living an Extraordinary Life right to your inbox!
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If you are an aspiring 7 figure earner and you want to know the secrets to how to manage your time like one (and yes, productivity is absolutely a ‘best-kept secret’) - this episode is for you. So many of you have said, “Kelly! There just never seems to be. Enough. time. “ And you’re right - with a business, a family and loved ones, and a life, it can seem daunting to make it all happen.
My question for you: are you utilizing systems and processes? Are things organized? Does your team have step-by-step instructions so they know what they need to be doing?
7 figure earners have things set up so that anyone could literally step in and run the business because they have those systems, processes, and total team understanding. The good news is that there are cheap (even free) and easy tools to help you get started!
In this episode, you will learn:
Bottom line: if you want a new and different result, you need to do something new and different. There are only 7 key ‘productivity law of 7 figure earners, which means giving yourself the tools to succeed doesn’t need to be overwhelming.
Be willing to take imperfect action, proclaim what you want, and allow yourself to get the results!
If you apply these principles, you might just be shocked at the positive impact not only in your business, but in your life.
Mentioned in this episode:
Your Total Time Mastery: How to Cut 20+ Hours from Your Workweek while DOUBLING New Client Growth- go to to get this absolutely free training!
Don’t forget to check out the homepage of for many, many more free resources available instantly for you!
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You asked, Unstoppable Success Radio has answered!
In this mini-series, entrepreneur mentor Kelly Roach answers listener-submitted questions about business growth, mindset, and anything else that the Unstoppable Success Army wants to know.
We released our 2016 Listener Survey a few weeks ago, and the #1 thing you answered with was a need for more clients - and not only more clients, but a way to attract them to you.
You asked,
How To Implement A Simple System For Client Attraction
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Today’s guest episode of USR features David Hoffeld! David is the author of the acclaimed book The Science of Selling, a novel on the psychology behind everyday sales and customer interaction. He is the CEO and chief sales trainer at Hoffeld Group, one of the nation’s top research-based sales and consulting firms. He’s pioneered a revolutionary sales approach based on research in neuroscience, social psychology and behavioral economics that’s been proven to radically increase sales.
David is also a popular trainer whose entertaining presentation style weaves humor, stories, and science together in a way that engages his audience and provides them with proven strategies they can use immediately. He has been bestowed numerous awards from Toastmasters International and is a member of the National Speakers Association, American Society of Training Directors and the Society of Personality and Social Psychology.
In this episode, you will learn:
-the proven psychology behind generating sales (and David’s step by step tips on how you can implement these strategies into your business)
-the number one mistake entrepreneurs and salespeople make when trying to increase their sales and how you can avoid making it yourself
-how to get your customers excitedly running back for more content all by understanding their rules of influence
As a sought-after sales thought leader and speaker, David works with small and medium businesses to Fortune 500 companies showing them how to align their sales behaviors with how the brain naturally forms buying decisions.
Because of the results his insights generate, he is a sales and leadership contributor to Fast Company and has been featured in Fortune, U.S. News and World Report, The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, CBS Radio, Fox News Radio, and more. Today he’s giving us the top tips on the most effective science-backed sales strategies.
Mentioned in this episode:
The Science of Selling: Proven Strategies to Make Your Pitch, Influence Decisions, and Close the Deal by David Hoffeld:
Connect with David:
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Running your own business means you have enough on your plate - this also means, unfortunately, that things can slip through the cracks. There are 5 extremely common ‘money leaks’ that trip up entrepreneurs across the board… so today, we’ll discuss each of them and how to tackle them.
In this episode, you will learn:
& you’ll have to tune in to the episode to learn the other common money leaks and strategies throughout this episode!
Make 2017 the year you see your profit EXPLODE - start by plugging these money leaks and give yourself the ability to move full steam ahead.
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Kelly Roach:
You asked, Unstoppable Success Radio has answered!
In this mini-series, entrepreneur mentor Kelly Roach answers listener-submitted questions about business growth, mindset, and anything else that the Unstoppable Success Army wants to know.
You asked,
“How do I STAND OUT in a crowded marketplace?”
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Today’s guest episode of USR features John Bowen! John is the Co-founder of, a rapidly growing community of entrepreneurs dedicated to accelerating their success while making a difference in the world. Three days a week he hosts the Accelerating Entrepreneurial Success Podcast featuring revealing, in-depth interviews with today’s leading entrepreneurs.
As a lifelong entrepreneur himself, John is also founder and CEO of Financial Advisor Select, an organization that is dedicated to helping successful individuals and families select and make informed decisions by introducing them to top, vetted financial advisors.
In this episode, you will learn:
-the top strategies of the super rich and how exactly you can start to implement them into your business
-how to understand exactly what your clients need and want so you can create a better bond with them and ultimately generate more leads
-how to see a tremendous increase in ROI all by putting a bit more discipline into your business transactions
As if these two incredibly impactful companies weren’t enough, John is also founder and CEO of CEG Worldwide, where he has helped hundreds of financial advisors build simple and elegant wealth management businesses. His 26 years as a financial advisor has taught him that many advisors lacked the high-quality empirical data and pragmatic business experience necessary to build hugely successful businesses. In creating CEG Worldwide, John has filled that void and continues to be widely recognized as a leader in the financial service industry.
Mentioned in this episode:
John’s Ebook: The State of the Entrepreneur -
Connect with John:
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Today, we’re exploring the fatal flaw of comparison - an incredibly important concept because we all need to believe ourselves and trust in the journey. We need to accept that we’re exactly where we need to be… and not get stuck thinking that we’re “too far gone” or we’re “not ready” to face life’s challenges and hurdles.
Looking at where you are versus where someone else is can be both a good and bad thing, and a recent experience spurred the creation of this episode.
You have two choices in life: take life by the reigns, or shrivel up and step backwards into a place that you will not recover from. If we allow unhealthy comparison to play too big a role in our lives, we will get knocked down.
In today’s episode, you will learn:
My own mentor, Tony Robbins says that the story of your life will either serve as a warning or an example. Which will it be?
I want you to think about that question for yourself and your own life. What will you choose?
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Kelly Roach:
You asked, Unstoppable Success Radio has answered!
In this mini-series, entrepreneur mentor Kelly Roach answers listener-submitted questions about business growth, mindset, and anything else that the Unstoppable Success Army wants to know.
You asked,
“How Do I Simplify My 2017 Growth Plan?”
& I've got an action plan for you as the answer - it's your ENTIRE 2017 on a 3x5 index card!
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Kelly Roach:
I am THRILLED to share with you this month’s Impact Report!
As you may know, we at Kelly Roach Coaching decided in 2016 that we were going to be the change we wish to see in the world - and we’re doing that by donating a percentage of our profits to organizations and causes that we believe in. Our goal and mission in these episodes is to share what we’re doing, to encourage you to be the change YOU wish to see, too, and to inspire you to begin building your lasting legacy. Starting today.
You can learn more about the Kelly Roach Coaching Campaign to Humanity at
Here’s our Impact Report for the month of December:
This first impact report is special to me, as I had the opportunity to bring my daughter with me to drop off donations to charities in our hometown. As parents, we constantly strive to be role models for our children. I want my daughter to have a sense of giving, charity, and the drive to make a difference as she grows up.
The Unstoppable Success Radio Community is a leader in the entrepreneurial space, and I look forward to growing with you as we make an impact, every single month.
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Today’s guest episode of USR features financial planner Shannon McLay! Shannon started her journey by leaving a "traditional" financial services firm to start her own company, The Financial Gym. Her primary focus when creating this was because she felt most financial service firms did not have the tools or resources to help people in their 20s and 30s who are starting out and trying to build assets while also managing debt.
She realized that the key to long-term personal financial success is a commitment to financial fitness and making smart financial choices.
In today’s interview, Shannon is covering the top mistakes she sees entrepreneurs make when making financial decisions in their businesses. She challenges her clients to ask themselves “If I buy this today, is this something that is bringing me closer to my goals and what I want out of life? Or taking me further away from it?”
In this episode, you will learn:
-the top 3 financial mistakes entrepreneurs make (and how you can avoid making them yourself!)
-how to be more financially conscious and ultimately stop spending money on things you don’t need
-the best ways to channel your financial knowledge (whether it’s in teaching your kids, running your business, or focusing on your own personal spendings)
Through her blog, Financially Blonde, her book, Train Your Way To Financial Fitness, her podcast, Martinis and Your Money and her company, Shannon is committed to making financial fitness fun, easy and accessible for others. She firmly believes that having passion about your company is an essential aspect, but being able to balance that passion with thought out financial goals is the key to creating financial stability in any business.
Connect with Shannon:
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Everyone has their own unique way of going about taking care of themselves and investing in their health. Every step counts towards going in the right direction, but one common area people overlook is how much sleep plays into our overall success.
In the 6th installment of Improve Your Health, Grow Your Wealth, we’re covering the connection between sleep and success. Getting sleep is one thing, but utilizing sleep as a tool to fuel your success means operating on a whole other level. Today we’re challenging you to start taking ownership over improving your health, especially in regards to the kind of sleep we set ourselves up for.
Because all that it ultimately comes down to is taking ownership over all facets of your life. Once we take that kind of responsibility on improving our health, we instantly will begin to take steps towards growing our wealth.
In this episode, you will learn…
What goes on inside of our bodies 100% dictates the kind of success we can achieve on the outside. Creating a good sleeping environment is entirely within our control, it just becomes a matter of taking a step back, looking at the changes that have to be made, and catapulting yourself forward into everyday success.
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You asked, Unstoppable Success Radio has answered!
In this mini-series, entrepreneur mentor Kelly Roach answers listener-submitted questions about business growth, mindset, and anything else that the Unstoppable Success Army wants to know.
You asked,
“What Investments Should I Make In My Business To Ensure Growth And Profit?”
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Today’s guest episode of USR features David Pitts! David is the co-founder of Off Day Trainer, a text message automation, lead generation, and client management platform built specifically for fitness professionals. While they specialize in helping businesses linked to the health and wellness world, their services also can be applied to companies in other areas as well.
As a former gym owner, a Fitness Sales Manager, and personal trainer, David is the expert on all things fitness. More importantly, he knows exactly how how to make fitness professionals achieve maximum success by using technology to make their sales cycle faster and client retention last longer.
In this episode, you will learn:
- ways to motivate your clients automatically by truly understanding them inside and out (and building trust and key relationships!)
-how to develop and utilize a text message marketing system that will allow you to not only connect with your customers better but also keep them excitedly coming back for more content
-the top techniques and strategies on how to generate more leads, regardless of what business profession you oversee
Even though text messaging marketing is still an up-and-coming industry, David has mastered the art of connecting with his clients through this channel, all while still being able to grow his business. His company, Off Day Trainer, stands out from others because of how they continue to create content that is both personal and motivational to people from all different backgrounds, positions, and stages in life.
Mentioned in this episode:
Text PODCAST to 56955 to get an exclusive gift from David and his team!
Connect with David:
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How often do you find yourself saying “I’ll do that when...” or “I’ll focus on that when…”
It is so easy to get caught up in the motions of the day to day: moving with your head down through each task and forgetting to be in the present moment. We feel that we can push off the important things to a time that is more convenient. A time in which we have more time.
In Episode 154, I’m covering How To Live Life With No Regrets. This is meant to serve as a wake up call. As a sign to sit back, take a second, and reflect on how you want your life to be lived.
If we live proactively, and put purpose into our every step, we can start to let go of regret. We can start to live lives that our future selves will thank us for. Because none of this matters if we don’t appreciate all that we have.
In this episode, you will learn…
Challenges and turmoil will inevitably arise in every individual's life. There is nothing anyone can do to avoid obstacles. It all comes down to perspective. Managing what you focus on and directing your attention is the first step. This is the key to bringing more gratitude into your life, and ultimately living without regrets.
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When Unstoppable Success Radio first began, I made it my mission to help 1 million people become financially free by doing work they love. I wanted to show people that they can build a business of substance, sustainability, and significance, all by showcasing what it is they are most passionate about. And while Unstoppable Success Radio has been able to touch the lives of many individuals already, the journey has only just begun.
In 2017, I want to take things to the next level. I want to serve the Unstoppable Success Radio community in an even greater capacity. I want to ensure that every piece of content we create is going to serve you at the highest level possible, to ultimately set you up for the maximum amount of success you can achieve. Whatever solutions you are craving, whatever information is necessary to take your business and your life to the next level, I want to provide that for you.
But I’m no mind reader. That's why in today’s episode, I’m asking that you tell me what it is you need. I want to hear what changes you want to see in Unstoppable Success Radio in order to make it most beneficial to you. Because the way to ensure that I accomplish my ultimate goal of helping 1 million people become financially secure begins once I know what it is you want to accomplish as well.
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Today’s guest episode of USR features leading performance expert Joe Calloway! Joe is the executive in residence for Belmont University’s Center for Entrepreneurship, and is the author of 6 books on business success (including Becoming a Category of One: How Extraordinary Companies Transcend Commodity and Defy Comparison which received raving reviews from The New York Times, Retailing Today, and Publisher's Weekly).
As a part of a successful start up company, Joe serves as the director of business development and strategy for Gilson Boards, a snowboard and design manufacturing company that's based out of Pennsylvania. The workshops and interactive keynote presentations he offers help develop leaders, create more effective teams, and improve performance for successful businesses who know that they can, and should, be doing more with the people and resources that they already have.
In Episode 152, you will learn:
-Strategies to build a cohesive and supportive team to be the backbone of your business
-Best practices for taking charge as a confident, impactful leader of your company
-How to challenge both yourself and your team in creative ways to get your audience more engaged
Joe has presented at business conferences in countries around the world including Italy, Sweden, South Africa, England, Swaziland, Canada, Mexico and throughout the Caribbean. Although Joe has been inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame, he doesn’t do traditional “speeches.”
Instead, Joe actively engages people in highly interactive keynotes and workshops that challenge assumptions and create new ways of thinking.
Mentioned in this episode:
Joe’s Books: Becoming a Category of One: How Extraordinary Companies Transcend Commodity and Defy Comparison:
Joe’s company:
Connect with Joe:
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A common challenge amongst small business owners is the struggle to make enough profitable sales in their company. They try over and over again to pitch their content to people, but there is one key thing that keeps them from achieving the success they so badly desire.
The formula for increasing prices while also seeing growth and sustainability in a business is 100% a mental game. Because no matter what niche you create content for, there will always be someone selling similar content at a lower and a higher price.
In this episode, you will learn…
Everything begins with intention. You first have to get clear about what you want, state it with certainty in your own mind, and only then can your audience start to respect the price choices you have made. All it takes is becoming crystal clear on what it is that you want and what you’re going to do to get it. That first step is the hardest part, but is the only way you can ultimately guarantee to fuel healthy sustainability in your business.
You deserve to charge what you’re worth.
Mentioned in this episode:
Get access to my EXCLUSIVE training program on how to Engineer Your Celebrity by visiting
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